Oscar Trimboli is an experienced coach and mentor to senior executives. He has worked with executives at CEO and CFO level and with senior divisional and functional executives in a range of industries. He is the author of Deep Listening: Impact Beyond Words, a professional speaker and mentor, as well.
This episode focuses on listening in organizations and to customers that lead to action beyond what we typically consider. How did Microsoft miss out because of not listening? And what can young professionals do so that they are heard by the upper management? And Oscar Trimboli’s quest to create 100 million deep listeners by 2030. He gives great examples to inspire you to join this quest in unexpected ways.
“From a listening perspective, good leaders probably allocate about a third of their time… externally, Great leaders do about half of their time externally to listen to the marketplace.”
– Oscar Trimboli
00:10 – Oscar shares how his recent client listens to him and answering a simple question takes into a great conversation
05:30 – A turning point events that marked the Deep Listening to be born
12:40 – The difference between a good listener and a great listener
17:18 – How listening can be effective in half the time while at the same time doubling your impact
19:45 – The importance of multi-generational leadership to young professionals
21:45 – Between employees and leaders in an organization how dialogue and listening can be truthful and effective
23:30 – Exploring further into a listening model in terms of context and unsaid
26:05 – How can you bring meaning into a conversation in connection with listening
33:05 – How to make conversations as human as possible to break barriers of communication in an organization
35:25 – The aftereffect to you and your business when not listening to your customer and marketplace
38:00 – The 5 level concept of the Deep Listening model and its benefits
42:26 – Actionable advice to young leaders in today’s market outlook and the value of integrating listening modality to their business
47:50 – The key role of customers in the integration processes and success in the organizations
Connect with Oscar Trimboli
Connect with Raquel Ark
- www.listeningalchemy.com
- Mobile: + 491732340722
- contact@listeningalchemy.com